Finally I received my super duper Walktrendy dress! Do you guys like it?
Walktrendy is a streetstyle fashion website that sells amazing dresses. I love this one because it's simple but I can wear it during the day with a pair of boots and during the night with a pair of high heels and a cool necklace. Did you know this website? I also found out that the worldwide shipping is free!
I wore this dress two night ago for clubbing! Loving the shape of the dress and the quality, which is really good. I also love the white details because I have to admit that I love black and white dresses. I don't know why but I love wearing black, although it doesn't represent my personality! I think that black dresses/ shirts or trousers and always ok: during the night, during the day, for an elegant occasion or just to grab a coffe during the day!
So guys take a look at Walktrendy and I hope you'll find what you were looking for :)